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Ok, but how can you apply for Dev Degree?

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Selection Process

Step 1

Apply to Dev Degree

Submit your application to the Dev Degree team at Shopify. Applying to the Dev Degree program is pretty easy, we promise! We need some basic information about you to start the application process. You aren't committing to anything at this point.


Dev Degree offers are conditional upon acceptance into one of our university partner’s programs, so you'll also need to apply to Carleton University or York University for Fall 2025.

Note: You can apply to Dev Degree before submitting your application to our university partners.

Step 2

Complete your Computational Thinking Questions

The computational thinking questions are a test of your readiness to learn computer science. Don’t panic! The computational questions allow you to showcase your problem-solving skills.

Step 3

Complete your Personal Statements

Your personal statements are your opportunity to tell us why you're interested in Dev Degree and why you want to study for a Computer Science degree.

Step 4


Selected candidates will be asked to complete two back to back interviews, called our "Craft Assessment" interviews.

Cup of coffee

Meet a Dev Degree intern

This is an informal short chat with a current Dev Degree intern to give you a chance to talk to someone about their experience about the program.

Cup of coffee

Admissions and Technical interview

You'll meet with a Dev Degree team member to discuss program details and expectations. You'll also meet with two Shopify Developers to brainstorm on a problem-solving question. Prior programming experience is not required. We will be assessing your cognitive processing ability and problem-solving skills.

Following the Craft Assessment interview, we will invite selected candidates to Shopify's "Life Story" interview.

Life Story Interview

After the "Craft Assessment" interview, selected candidates will be invited to one final interview called the "Life Story" interview with a Shopify Recruiter. You'll be asked to talk about yourself on a personal level, including your hobbies, interests, and life experiences. The best way to prepare is to spend some time reflecting on the experiences you've had and the things you've done to bring you to the point you're at today. Then, be ready to settle into a genuine two-sided conversation.

Step 5


After all the interviews are complete, selected candidates will receive an offer to the Dev Degree program!

Paper plane flying

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